Sunday, August 8, 2010


Ok, so, we, humans, competitive, love being first no?
Well, here my readers, is a list of firsts.

Humans are the first:

1. To be powerful or intelligent enough to affect mother nature (to a certain extent based on current technologies)inflicting noticeable change within a life time.

2. To defy mother nature by:
- terminating his/her own life.
- being sexually attracted to the same sex.

3. To create artificial life.

4. To manipulate preexisting life.

5. To choose his/her own ideals.

For all you evolutionists out there, if mother nature did indeed create us, we are a massive failure. Simply because we have evolved too far, as we can defeat and defy mother nature herself. If you are a believer in evolution, the human race is doomed and all forms of life like us, are likewise. A good analogy would be creating robots that have achieved such a high level of intelligence that they become conscience and can fight to rebel against us instead (think I-Robot, Terminator).

I am a Christian, what can I possibly say to counteract all this? Here is a list of firsts for Humans, according to the Christian faith.

Humans are the first:

1. To be able to be rescued from the penalty of sin, death through the perfect sacrifice that is Jesus Christ.

Yup, that's it.

The beautiful part of this is that even though, God died for us, he loves us enough to allow us the choice, of following him or not. That is what your prayer, your asking of God, to come into your life is for.

you only live once,

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